#Newsletter | After more than 6 months in El Salvador, this newsletter is loooong overdue - it’s clearly been easier writing about other people and situations, than writing about ourself.
One of the goals of Eirene Suisse, the Swiss organisation we work with, is for our friends and families in Switzerland and all over the world to learn about the countries we/Eirenes’ volunteers live and work in. Which is also the perfect excuse for me to stay in contact with you ;)
So, let me catch you up on what a typical week looks like for me (and partly Michel) in El Salvador, what I am actually doing at work, and how I’ve experienced the change from Switzerland to El Salvador.
Hope you enjoy it and let me know if there’s a topic you want us to wrtie about next, or just send me an email, or send us a pigeon (post doesn’t work so well) - we’re always happy to hear from you!
Read the Newsletter in English.
Lire la lettre circulaire en français.